It's been a busy week. Bronwen and I went to Scottsdale and did demos with our portable torch set up. We were the entertainment for a conference of medical people. They loved what we did and we exposed more people to the art of making glass!
The next day we did demos for the City School open house here in Tucson. I don't do much teaching with kids so I wasn't aware of what was going on with the City School kids. Boy, is there some talent there. For a year and a half they worked on a cactus display for their school. They did a fantastic job. I tried to get pictures but the glare was too bad and they didn't turn out. If you are downtown Tucson stop by City School on Pennington and check out the window display.
I am also teaching a private student to make beads for Beads of Courage. I signed up for this program some months ago and I got paired up with Jennifer a month ago. Jennifer has caught on quickly and we are well on our way to her 30 beads needed to complete our time together. Hopefully she will want to continue to make beads for Beads of Courage.